Built for
lacrosse players

Delivering unrivaled strength & Conditioning of lacrosse players



We believe that the only pathway to personal greatness is relentless work ethic, ambitious goals, and the action plan to make both count.

That's why Relentless was created. To give the ambitious hockey players the exact training structure they need to turn their work off the ice into success on the ice.

The same principles we know hockey demands of hockey our athletes, we bring to our business. Intensity, consistency, and ambition. Relentless continues to evolve to be able to serve hockey players at a higher level and consistently give Relentless hockey players the edge they need to take their game to the next level.

What does it mean to be Relentless


Better, better, better.

Relentless athletes think bigger. Expect bigger. And demand more from themselves. They set goals. And, then find ways to make themselves even better.


Success demands relentless consistency.

Relentless athletes not only show up daily, but bring the intensity they know that their ambition and goals demands. Day in, day out.


Good enough isn't good enough.

Relentless athletes go all-in at every opportunity. Every small challenge is the opportunity to get better when attacked with intensity. Full send, all in.

Training principles

Strength and conditioning driven by on-field performance


We place emphasis on addressing imbalances and movement limitations to ensure we’re not building fitness on top of dysfunction. Our goal is to create a healthy athlete and return the body to optimal function and perform better, for longer.


We believe strength is the foundation of elite athleticism and a prerequisite to thriving in elite lacrosse. Strength provides the foundation for our athletes to build the speed, agility, and power necessary for elite on-ice performance.


Lacrosse demands elite athleticism.  Our mission is always develop better lacrosse players, not “weight room all-stars.” Our training is intentional in enhancing athletic capacity and movement literacy that players can translate specifically to the field.

Aerobic Conditioning

We place emphasis on creating an elite aerobically conditioned athlete. We believe that the better-conditioned athlete can perform at a higher level longer and without breaking down over the course of a game, tournament or season, and is a cornerstone to on-field performance.

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